A free MusicFi Media Platform that works on Broadcast Mobile and the web

admin admin · 9 months ago · 790 views
Our project was first made available to music producers and listeners on the Web.
Immediately afterwards, we added Cls Token to the system.
A free MusicFi Media Platform that works on Broadcast Mobile and the web

ClouPlay Music has developed a brand new infrastructure for the music industry using web30 crypto and international payment systems.

A free MusicFi Media Platform that works on Broadcast Mobile and the web

Our project was first made available to music producers and listeners on the Web.
Immediately afterwards, we added Cls Token to the system.

Now, ClouPlay is designed to broadcast to TVs via the HBBTV services it has developed, that is, via satellites.

We want to start working on our satellite systems and present our Music system to Television viewers.

We want to activate our Music NFT services immediately afterwards.

We are working to build a brand new payment system infrastructure for the music industry. Also, NFTization of Music. It also means copyrighting the music.
To give an example, an Egyptian artist cannot keep track of the media in which his music is published and cannot receive his fee.

ClouSound accepts both Muzik Nft and Copyrigh services.
What the artist deserves.
What the songwriter deserves
He deposits the voice actor's earnings into his wallet.


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